Thursday, August 10, 2017, 10 a.m. Pacific time
Presenter: Natalya Mytareva
Cost: $15 CHIA Members / $20 Non-Members
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Topic description:
In May-June 2016, CCHI conducted the 2nd national Job Task Analysis (JTA) survey of the healthcare interpreter profession in order to validate and update the current definition of the profession and the content of the corresponding certification examinations. JTA is an opportunity to reflect on the professional tasks and responsibilities. The survey was completed by over 2,000 respondents. The presentation will highlight the composite “portrait” of the healthcare interpreter based on the demographic section of the survey. It will exemplify which job tasks and corresponding knowledge, skills and abilities are considered most critical to the profession as evident from the survey responses. The presentation will also discuss the implications of the JTA results for certification candidates as well as for healthcare interpreter trainers and curriculum developers.
Natalya Mytareva, M.A., CoreCHI™, is Managing Director of the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI) and one of its founding Commissioners. In 2000-2013, Natalya was Communications Director at the International Institute of Akron, a non-profit refugee resettlement agency in Ohio. She is the author and instructor of several courses for healthcare and court interpreters, with the focus on languages of lesser diffusion. Natalya was a Vice President of CCIO in 2000-2006. Natalya is a Russian interpreter/translator, and started her career as instructor of interpretation/translation courses at Volgograd State University (Russia) in 1991. She holds a combined BA/MA degree from VSU in Philology & Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
This webinar is accredited by CCHI for 1.0 of instructional hour. NBCMI now accepts CCHI CEUs.